
Gaither Hack Club is a student-led coding club at Gaither High School. We're a part of the greater Hack Club network, a global nonprofit network of high school coding clubs and makers.

Interested? Sign up here!


General Resources

Useful resources for learning to code and making cool projects!

freeCodeCamp - Learn to code by building dozens of projects, step-by-step, right in your browser, code editor, or mobile app. Start off with the Responsive Web Design Certification and the JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certification! You don't have to complete them or do them all, but it's a great starting point.

GitHub Student Developer Pack - Get a ton of free stuff like GitHub Pro and credit for cloud services!

Club Resources

Stuff we're working on in our club meetings!

Personal Website Workshop - Build your own personal website!

Sprig - Get started making your very first game with the Sprig game engine, using JavaScript!

Spotify Playlist - Add songs to our club's Spotify playlist!


Be the first to showcase your project!